Shafi Noor Islam, PhD (Candidate for Dr. rer. nat. habil.) is an Assistant Professor, In the Department of Geography, Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei Darussalam. He is also a member (Consultant) of Technical Expert Monitoring Committee of Development Projects of BEDB, Ministry of Industry, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Brunei Darussalam. He hold PhD in Environmental and Resource Management. He was working as Lecturer in the Master Programme Urban Management Studies, at the Technical University of Berlin, and Lecturer of Euro Aquae Hydro-Informatics of Erasmus Mondus Master’s Programme at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany. He also worked as visiting lecturer for the Master Programme on Environmental and Applied Science at the Halmstad University, Sweden. He has Post-Doctoral research experience on Food Security and presently is the candidate of Habilitation (Dr.rer.nat.habil.) research degree on the topic “Ecosystem Services and Food Security under Threat in the Mega Deltas of Asian Coastal Regions: An Analysis on the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Deltaâ€, in the Chair of Ecosystems and Environmental Informatics, at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. His main activities are in interdisciplinary water resource research on water salinity and mangrove ecosystems modelling. Wetlands and coastal resource management as well as climate change impacts on food security and ecosystem services are his focus research fields. Transboundary water and char-land management strategies, encompassing groundwater quality and urban water supply, ecology management are some subjective interests. He has published over 70 articles in international journals and books. He has research experiences in Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Qatar, Algeria, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Italy, Monaco, Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Albania, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil, Mexico and in Brunei Darussalam.
• Ph.D. 2009 (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany)
• M.A. 2002 (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany)
• M.Phil. (1st Part) (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
• M.Sc. (Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
• B.Sc.(Honours) , (Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
• Post-Doctoral Experience, 2010 (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany)
• Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) Candidate (expected in 2017/2018)
• Mangrove Forest Wetlands Ecosystems
• Ecosystem Services and Food Security Assessment in Asian Mega Deltas
• Wetlands Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Measures
• Urban Wetlands Ecology Management Measures
• Coastal Water Resources Management and Ecosystem Modelling
• Cultural Landscapes Management Planning and Protection
• Water Salinity Modelling and Simulation
• Application of GIS and Remote Sensing (RS) in Environmental Data Analysis
• Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation and Management
• Socio-economic Development Planning
• Mega Delta Formation, Development and Ecosystem Services
• Climate Change , Asian Mega Delta and Food Security
• Fourier Polynomial Approximation, Interpolation and Analysis
• Water quality Assessment and Maintenance Considering Climate Change
• Human Environmental System, Land use and Landscapes Protection
• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on Geosphere and Biosphere
• Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Considering Climate Change Impacts
• Planning for Urban and Rural Landscapes sustainability for Security of Ecosystems
• Environmental Data Analysis through Application of GIS and Remote Sensing (RS)
• Meta Data Analysis for Ecosystem Protection and Environmental Sustainability
• Eco-Tourism Model Development and Application
• Country site Landscapes and Land use Planning and
• Project Cycle Management
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Islam, S. N. Reinstädtler, S. and Ferdaush, J. 2017. Challenges of Climate Change Impacts on Urban Water Quality Management and Planning in Coastal Towns of Bangladesh. In: International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development. Switzerland, 16(3):228-256.
Islam, S.N. 2016. Deltaic Floodplains Development and Wetland Ecosystems Management in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Rivers Delta in Bangladesh, In: Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. Springer, 2(3): 237-256 (DOI 10.1007/s40899-016=0047-6).
Islam, S.N. Umar, A.A.B.Y. 2017. Impacts of Coastal Landuse Changes on Mangrove Wetlands at Sungai Mangsalut Basin in Brunei Darussalam (Chapter 4). In: Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation, COASTAL Volume 21, Springer, Florida International University, USA (978-3-319-56178-3 En (4) pp 133-157.
Islam, S.N. Reinstädtler, S. and Gnauck, A. 2017. Degraded Coastal Wetland Ecosystems in the Ganges –Brahmaputra Rivers Delta Region of Bangladesh (Chapter 6). In: Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation,COASTAL Volume 21, Springer, Coastal Research Centre, Florida International University, USA, (978-3-319-56178-3 En (6) pp 187-213.
Islam, S.N. Reinstädtler, S. and Gnauck, A. 2017. Capacity Building and Drought Management (Chapter 3). In: Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity, Volume 3, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, Florida, USA, pp1-37 ( in Press).
1) Islam, S. N. and Gnauck, A. 2008. Mangrove wetland ecosystems in Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh .In: Frontiers of Earth Science in China. Springer Verlag, Vol 2(4): 439- 448.
2) Islam, S.N. 2016. Deltaic Floodplains Development and Wetland Ecosystems Management in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Rivers Delta in Bangladesh, In: Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. Springer, 2(3): 237-256 (DOI 10.1007/s40899-016=0047-6).
3) Islam, S. N. and Gnauck, A. 2009. Threats to the Sundarbans mangrove wetland ecosystems from transboundary water allocation in the Ganges basin: A preliminary problem analysis. In: International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES), Vol. 13(09): 64-78.
4) Islam, S. N. 2010. Threatened wetlands and ecologically sensitive ecosystems management in Bangladesh. In: Frontiers Earth Science in China, Springer –Verlag- Berlin, 4 (4): 438 – 448.
5) Islam, S. N. 2014. An analysis of the Damages of Chakoria Sundarbans Mangrove and Consequences on Community livelihoods in South East Coast of Bangladesh. In: International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD), Vol. 13(2): 153-171.
6) Islam, S. N. Karim, R. Islam, A.N. and Eslamian, S. 2014. Wetland Hydrology (Chapter 29). In: Handbook of Engineering Hydrology Vol. 3, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York, pp 119 -134.