Dr Hjh Salwa is the first local (Bruneian) who graduated with PhD in the area of Guidance and Counselling. She is actively involved in doing research and publish papers in International Journals. Graduated from International Islamic University Malaysia with Master of Education (M.Ed) specializes in Guidance and Counselling and obtaining her PhD from National University Malaysia (UKM) in the same area of specialization. Her undergraduate degree was from UBD in the area of B.Sc Education ( Maths & Physics). Dr Hjh Salwa is also active in giving talks and workshops as well as community service for various ministries such as the Prison Department and Ministry of Religious Affairs. In 2012, she was appointed as one of the Visiting Justice for one of the prisons in Brunei Darussalam. In addition, Dr Hjh Salwa was also one of the consultants for the research on Social Issues in Schools led by the Ministry of Education, Brunei. At the University and faculty level, Dr Hjh Salwa was given some administrative posts such as appointed as the Program Leader for Graduate Professional Development, as the coordinator for the program of Master in Counselling , Deputy Dean of Student Affairs Section, UBD, Deputy Director of Graduate Studies and Head of Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) in Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Aside from administrative posts, Dr Hjh Salwa is also the Vice President of the Brunei Counselling Association (PERKAB), member for Association of Psychological & Educational Counselors of Asia-Pacific (APECA) , member of American Counselling Association (ACA) and as Brunei representative for Creative Art Therapy Association. Dr Hjh Salwa is also active in presenting papers in International Conferences and was invited as keynote speakers to several international conferences.
1) B.Sc Education (Hons) - Universiti Brunei Darussalam ( 1994)
2) Master of Education (M.Ed) - International Islamic Universiti Malaysia ( 1998)
Area of specialisation : Guidance and Counselling
3) PhD ( Guidance and Counselling) - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2004)
Creative Art Therapy
School Counselling
Moral and Values in Education
Interventions in Counselling
In general, this study aims to investigate the ‘Level of Professionalism Among the Islamic Education Teachers in Secondary Schools in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia. There are 4 specific objectives which have been set in this study namely: 1. To identify teachers’ and students’ assessment towards the level of professionalism of Islamic Education Teachers in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia ; 2. To design and compare the professionalism profile of Islamic Education teachers in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia ; 3. To identify students’ behaviour towards the Teaching and Learning process for Islamic Education as a subject; and 4. To identify teachers’ and students’ assessment towards the level of professionalism of the Islamic Education teachers based on several independent variables.
This study aims to identify the level of psychological wellbeing of school counsellors and guidance teachers in Brunei Darussalam within the six dimensions in the Psychological Wellbeing (PWB) scale (Ryff & Keyes, 1995) and to explore the coping strategies in maintaining a positive wellbeing. The research will be using Mixed-method research design which will be carried out in two phases; Pilot study and Main Study (refer to part 4 for the Details of Research Procedure).
Scopus Publications
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar h-index
Google Scholar i10-index
1) The needs of islamic digital resources in polytechnic Brunei Darussalam: A preliminary study
Nawi, A., Zakaria, G.A.N., Hashim, N., Mahalle, S., Ren, C.C.
International Journal of Instruction, 2020, 13(1), pp. 225–234
2) Roles of Psychopathic Personality, Mental Health, and Recidivism in Criminal Behavior: Survey of Brunei Inmates
Mundia, L., Matzin, R., Mahalle, S., Hamid, M.H.S., Osman, R.S.
Asian Journal of Criminology, 2017, 12(4), pp. 255–280
3) Sociodemographic variables and social values: Relationship with work-attendance problems in Brunei public- and private-sector employees
Mundia, L., Mahalle, S., Matzin, R., ...Midawati, N.Z., Abdullah,
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2017, 13, pp. 2307–2319
4) Roles of psychopathic personality, mental health, and recidivism in criminal behavior: Survey of Brunei inmates
L Mundia, R Matzin, S Mahalle, MHS Hamid, RS Osman
Asian Journal of Criminology 12 (4), 255-280
5) Prediction of employer–employee relationships from sociodemographic variables and social values in Brunei public and private sector workers
Mundia, L., Mahalle, S., Matzin, R., ...Abdullah, N.Z.M., Abdul Latif, S.N.
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2017, 10, pp. 257–269
1) Salwa. M. & Gamal. Z. (2014). Moral Education Through Play Therapy. International Education Studies [ SCOPUS]. Vol.7. No.12
2) Gamal.Z., Tajudeed., & Salwa. M. (2014). Re-Engineering values into the youth education system : A need analysis study in Brunei Darussalam. International Education Studies [ SCOPUS]. Vol.7. No.13
3) Mundia,L., Matzin, R., Mahalle, S., Hamid. M.H.S., Osman, R.S. (2016). Addressing crime problems in Brunei Darussalam: Qualitative analysis of alternatives to counselling and educational interventions. Social Sciences
4) Mundia,L., Matzin,R., Mahalle,S., Hamid,M.H.S., Osman,R.S . (2016). Contributions of Sociodemographic Factors to Criminal Behavior: Insights from Brunei Prisoners .Psychology Research and Behavior Management [ SCOPUS] -
5) The needs of islamic digital resources in polytechnic Brunei Darussalam: A preliminary study
Nawi, A., Zakaria, G.A.N., Hashim, N., Mahalle, S., Ren, C.C.
International Journal of Instruction, 2020, 13(1), pp. 225–234
FRG ( (UBD/RSCH/1.7/FICBF(b)/2020/012) )
Tahap Profesionalisme Guru-Guru Pendidikan Islam Di Brunei Darussalam
As research Member
Grant : B$ 10,150.00
Education, Well Being and Nation Building in Brunei Darussalam: Community Engagement in Education(Project 3: Empowering Nation Building Through Counselling and MIB Values)
Dr Hjh Salwa Dato Hj Mahalle
BND 999,958
01/09/2013 - 30/06/2016
Pelaksanaan dan Pedagogi Seni Lukis dan Reka Bentuk Di Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah di Brunei Darussalam mengikut SPN21
Dr Hj Gamal Abdul Nasir Hj Zakaria
BND 22,611.10
01/01/2011 - 30/12/2011
Bruneian Mentality (Collaboration with Ministry of Education)
Dr Azaharaini Hj Md Jamil
BND 219,000 (with MOE & JPKE)
01/01/2010 - 30/12/2015
Kajian Burnout dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru-Guru Pengetahuan Ugama Islam Di Brunei Darussalam
Dr Hj Gamal Abdul Nasir Hj Zakaria
BND 8,050.00
01/01/2011 - 30/12/2011
Pelaksanaan dan Pedagogi Seni Lukis dan Reka Bentuk Di Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah di Brunei Darussalam mengikut SPN21
Dr Shamsinar Hj Md Hussain
BND 22,611.10
01/01/2011 - 30/06/2013
Youth Crimes in Brunei Darussalam: Insights from Selected Case Studies (Youth Cluster)
Assoc.Prof Dr Lawrence Mundia
BND 11,794
01/01/2012 - 30/06/2013
The relationship and intensity of Post Traumatic Syndrome Depression among the Tsunami Victims
Prof. Louis Downs
BND 27,000
01/04/2013 - 30/04/2014