Dr Rosmawijah Jawawi is a Senior Assistant Professor and a Teacher Educator at the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). She has been a member of the faculty since 1998. She earned a Bachelor of Education from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam, a Master of Education from the University of Leeds and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the Institute of Education, University of London. Her research interests are in the areas of teacher education, innovative pedagogies, assessment for learning, citizenship education, humanities and social sciences education. She had worked in research collaboration projects namely the 21st Century Learning Design with SRI, Comparative Study on ASEANNESS and Citizenship Education in Ten Countries with Oita University, Japan, and SABER with the World Bank. She was involved with Virtual University for Small States Countries (VUSSC), Commonwealth of Learning for the curriculum design of Master of Educational Leadership in Singapore and Postgraduate Diploma in Education in Samoa. Since 2009, Dr Rosmawijah had hold different administrative posts at the faculty and university. In 2018, she was appointed as the Acting Director for UBD-FPT Global Centre in Da Nang, Vietnam. In 2019-2021, Dr Rosmawijah was the Dean at Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE).
Teacher education
Initial Teacher Preparation
Citizenship Education
Innovative Teaching and Learning
Assessment for learning
Scopus Publications
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar h-index
Google Scholar i10-index
Grant type: FIC Research Grant, Project Title: Innovative Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Assessment, Investigators (PI/Co-PI): PI: Dr Hjh Sallimah Hj Mohd Salleh (SHBIE)
Dr Rosmawijah Jawawi: Member, Start Date: March 2018, End Date: February 2019
Grant type: BRC, Grant Number: UBD/BRC/8, Project Title: Investigation of the Teaching and Learning Practices which Lead to the Development of Competencies for Life and Work in the 21st Century, Investigators (PI/Co-PI): PI: Prof Dr Keith Wood
Dr Rosmawijah Jawawi: Subject Researcher for Citizenship Education, Start Date: 30/05/2013, End Date: 30/04/2016