Mohamed Ragab Abdelhady Shalaby


Dr. Mohamed R. Shalaby is a professor of petroleum Geology at Tanta University, Egypt since 2007. He got his Ph. D degree in petroleum geology in 1996. His main interests are petroleum system and organic geochemistry, well logging and formation evaluation, reservoir quality evolution.
Dr. Shalaby has more than 20 years academic experience, in teaching to undergraduate and post graduate students. He has quiet good number of ISI international publications and conference presentations in his field of research (more than 60+). He also supervised quiet good number of post graduate students for Master and PhD degrees.
From 2007 to 2011, Dr. Shalaby has been appointed in several positions in the University of Malaya (UM) as visiting associate professor, Petronas University of Technology (UTP) as associate professor before he return back to UM in 2009 as senior research fellow. Recently, since 2011, he moved to the Geoscience Department, University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD).


Ph.D (Petroleum Geology) 1996
M.Sc. (Petroleum Geology) 1990
B.Sc. (Geology) 1983


Petroleum Geology
Organic Geochemistry and source rock characterization
Well Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation
Reservoir Characterization and Petrophysics


A Pilot Geochemical Atlas for Resource Exploration and Environmental Management in the Brunei-Muara District, Brunei Darussalam

Geochemical mapping of large regions is a challenge for applied geoscientists as it is a fundamental tool for the exploration of a plethora of Earth resources, as well as for environmental monitoring and land management. For this reason, regional-, national- and global-scale geochemical mapping projects have been carried out in various countries the last decades (e.g. Geochemical Map of Europe, USA, large regions of Africa, etc.).. The current project is proposed to cover the District of Brunei-Muara as a first effort to construct a similar Atlas in Brunei Darussalam. The area is dominated by sedimentary formations of Miocene to Quaternary age and characterised by various geological units, which have been accumulated from the discharge of ancient and modern rivers and their interaction with a marine environment. A large number of samples will be collected and analysed in order to highlight potential geochemical organic and inorganic anomalies. Subsequent interpretation of these anomalies will lead to implications regarding: (i) the potential existence of economic resources, (ii) environmental applications (e.g. biosorbents of pollutants, waste filters), iii) adverse environmental impacts (anthropogenic and natural) and the consequences to public health, and (iv) the provenance of the sediments and consequently the geological history of Brunei Darussalam.

Applications Invited

Petroleum system analysis of Cretaceous-Paleacene Formation, Great South Basin, New Zealand

The petroleum system concept helps oil companies to decide which prospects are most likely to contain oil or gas. Source rock and reservoir rocks are critical to the success of a petroleum system, and includes generation and maturation of organic matter to become source and the migration of these source rocks to the reservoirs. Every exploration initiates with the evaluation of source rock on a regional scale. Of high importance in this scope is the estimation of hydrocarbon potential of the source rock. This information can be further integrated with various components of basin development, which include the rate of sedimentation, rate of subsidence, burial history and thermal history. In this study, the source rock analyzed are from the Cretaceous-Paleocene Hoiho and Taratu formations. Organic geochemistry helps determine whether the source rock has the capacity for oil or gas generation, and whether the source rock is mature enough for hydrocarbon expulsion. Reservoir characterization studies is another part of that study using well log data, and seismic section to discover the subsurface structural configuration and evaluate the reservoir quality evolution in terms of porosity and permeability to accommodate adequate amount of hydrocarbon.

Applications Invited

Integrated petroleum system studies using source rock and reservoir characterizations of Taranaki Basin New Zealand

This study is a part of larger research topic of the analysis of petroleum system elements of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene Farewell Formations of Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. The petroleum system is a unifying concept that encompasses all of the different elements and processes of petroleum geology, which include the crucial elements (source, reservoir, seal and overburden rocks), essential processes (trap formation and generation-migration-accumulation), and all genetically-related hydrocarbons which have migrated from one pool of effective source rocks to reservoir accumulations, shows or seeps. Relative timing of these elements and processes are very crucial for the accumulation and preservation of hydrocarbons. Petroleum exploration is futile without these elements, and hence, tits study is highly important.

Applications Invited

Google Scholar Citations


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index


1) Liyana Nadiah Osli, Mohamed R. Shalaby and Md. Aminul Islam (2018): Characterization of source rocks and depositional environment and hydrocarbon generation modeling of the Cretaceous Hoiho Formation, Great South Basin, New Zealand. Petroleum and Coal Journal, (2018): 60 (2) pp 255-275, (Scopus-Indexd Publication)

2) Nurhazwana Jumat, Mohamed Ragab Shalaby, AKM Eahsanul Haque, and Md. Aminul Islam (2018): Source rock characterization, depositional environments and hydrocarbon generation modeling of the Upper Cretaceous Pakawu Group, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 163 (2018) 320–339, (ISI-Cited Publication)

3) Nurhazwana Jumat, Mohamed Ragab Shalaby and Md. Aminul Islam (2017): Integrated reservoir characterization of the Paleocene Farewell Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, using petrophysical and petrographical analyses. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (PEPT), DOI: 10.1007/s13202-017-0420-5 (Scopus-Indexd Publication)

4) Nurhazwana Jumat, Mohamed Ragab Shalaby, Md. Aminul Islam (2017): An Integrated Source Rock Characterization using Geochemical Analysis and Well Logs: A Case Study of Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Pet Coal (2017): 59 (6): 884-910, (Scopus-Indexd Publication)

5) Mohamed R. Shalaby and Md Aminul Islam (2017): Fracture detection using conventional well logging in carbonate Matulla Formation, Geisum Oil Field, southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J Petrol Explor Prod Technol, (PEPT), April, 2017.DOI 10.1007/s13202-017-0343-1, (Scopus Indexed)

6) S.M. Talha Qadri, Mohamed R. Shalaby, Md. Aminul Islam and Lim Lee Hoon (2016): “Source Rock Characterization and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Middle to Late Eocene Mangahewa Formation in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand” Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9 (10) 1-17. DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2586-4 (ISI-Cited Publication)

S. M. Talha Qadri, Md Aminul Islam, Mohamed Ragab Shalaby & AKM Eahsanul Haque (2017): Seismic interpretation and structural modelling of Kupe field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:295, DOI 10.1007/s12517-017-3078-x. (ISI-Cited Publication)


1) AKM Eahsanul Haque, Md. Aminul Islam, Mohamed Ragab Shalaby (2016) “Structural Development of the Maui Gas Field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand”: Constraints from Fault Framework Modeling, Journal of PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2016 43 (6): 1-11. (ISI-Cited Publication)

2) Mohamed Ragab Shalaby, Mohammed Hail Hakimi, Wan Hasiah Abdullah and Md. Aminul Islam (2016). Implications of controlling factors in evolving reservoir quality of the Khatatba Formation, Western Desert, Egypt. Scientia Bruneiana Special Issue, 2016, pp. 129-146

3) S.M. Talha Qadri, Mohamed R. Shalaby, Md. Aminul Islam and Lim Lee Hoon (2016): “Source Rock Characterization and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Middle to Late Eocene Mangahewa Formation in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand” Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9 (10) 1-17. DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2586-4 (ISI-Cited Publication)

4) Mohammed Hail Hakimi, Wan Hasiah Abdullah, Mohamed Ragab Shalaby and Gamal A. Alramisy (2014): “Geochemistry and organic petrology study of Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales in the Marib-Shabowah Basin, Yemen: origin and implication for depositional environments and oil-generation potential”, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 50 (2014), 185-201, (ISI-Cited Publication)

5) Mohamed Ragab Shalaby, Mohammed Hail Hakimi and Wan Hasiah Abdullah (2013) Petroleum system analysis of the Khatatba Formation in the Shoushan Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt. Arab J Geosci, DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-1109-9, (ISI-Cited Publication)


In UM (2010/2011), I submitted research proposal to UM entitle as Integration of petroleum system analysis of Malay Basin, Malaysia and Shoushan Basin, Egypt.I got research grant from UM of RM 31,500 to perform the research in terms of data collection, analyses and publication.


So far, in general, and based on this research collaboration and research activities, the research output is usually interpreted as number of publications. I have a total number more than 60+ international publication and conference presentations.

Under UBD, a total of number of Fourteen (14) ISI international publications have been published under UBD title while another 11 papers have been submitted under UBD title, some of them are accepted and in queue to be published soon and some other still under review.

a) ONE paper has been published in the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9 (10) 1-17. DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2586-4

b) ONE more paper has been accepted in the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016. (now in final revision)

c) ONE more paper has been published in the special issue of Bruneiana Scientia, 2016, pp. 129-146.

d) ONE paper has been published in the Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Development 2016, 43(6): 1-11.

e) ONE paper has been published in the Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology.

f) TWO papers have been accepted in the Journal of the Geological Society of India (now in press).

g) SIX papers have been accepted and presented in the Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2016 which held on 14-16/11/2016 at Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB),

h) SEVERAL papers have been submitted and now under review

Industry, Institute, or Organisation Collaboration

I have some industry collaboration with different compnies and academic institutes for providing data, analysis and interpretation of petroleum related projects

1) New Zealand Ministry of Petroleum
We got a complete set of data in the form of well log data, seismic sections, geochemical data, reservoir data and many geological and geophysical report in different oil and gas fields in many basins in New Zealand (Taranaki Basin, Great South Basin, East Coast Basin, West Coast Basin, Western Southland Basin, and Canterbury basin). I have 8 post graduate students (M.Sc and Ph.D.) working on that area of research. I am sure that we are on the way to perform a very good research projects leading to large number of publications

2) BSP:
To provide well log and seismic data for teaching undergraduate students.
To accommodate students for practical research leading to M.Sc Degree.
To accommodate students for DY internship program, since I am DY Advisor for the last three years

3) The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and the Khalda Petroleum Company have been involved supporting my research and to provided quiet good number of data in the form of ditch cutting and source rock samples, core plug samples for some common reservoirs, well log data fro different promising horizons, geological and geophysical reports)

4) University Malaya (UM)
I still have some research collaboration with UM to help for organic geochemistry data analysis. I publish a quiet good number of ISI international publication with UBD title due to this collaborationl


I am sure that our collaboration will be more beneficial and economic after publishing a quiet good number of publication especially from New Zealand oil and gas fileds. the study will attract other researcher and academic institute for more collaboration and post graduate students for more research as well.