Dr Hjh Dayang Nor Zaiham Midawati binti Hj Abdullah



Hjh Nor Zaiham is a lecturer in Guidance and Counselling at Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. She has completed her PhD at The University of Queensland, Australia with a research title 'An investigation on students' educational and occupational aspirations in Brunei Darussalam: Teaching and counselling implications'. She gained her first degree (B.A Primary Education - Hons.) from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam in 1999, and a master degree (Master in Education - School Guidance and Counselling) from Queensland University of Technology, Australia in 2002.

Since joining UBD, she has been involved in teaching modules related to guidance and counselling as well as educational psychology at certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate levels, involved in supervising students' teaching practice and counselling practicum, and reading Master in Counselling's Research Exercise as internal examiner. In addition, she also supervised students' research at master and PhD levels. At faculty level, she was given administrative posts such as Programme Leader Continuing Professional Development, coordinator of Master in Counselling programme and Assistant Programme Leader of Graduate Professional Development. As part of her commitment as an academic, she was involved in attending seminars and workshops organised by SHBIE, UBD and other international bodies, and also conduct workshops and seminars for students undergoing Discovery Year, teachers and government officers.

Hjh Nor Zaiham is a member of Brunei Counselling Association (PERKAB) and also a professional member of International Association for Counselling (IAC). She is active at presenting papers in International conferences, and is looking forward to work collaboratively with researchers in the same field to expand research network and collaboration.


Bachelor of Arts Education Hons. (Primary Education) from Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei Darussalam
Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling) from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
Doctor of Philosophy from The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia


Educational and Occupational Aspirations
Psychological Wellbeing
Guidance and Counselling
Career Guidance
Educational Psychology
Values in Counselling


Psychological Wellbeing of School Counsellors and Guidance Teachers in Brunei Darussalam (On-Going - Research collaboration between SHBIE, UBD and Department of Planning, Development and Research, MOE, Brunei.

The study aims to identify the psychological wellbeing of School Counsellors and Guidance Teachers in Brunei Darussalam within the six dimensions in the Psychological Wellbeing (PWB) scale (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), and to explore the coping strategies in maintaining a positive wellbeing. This research is a collaboration between Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam and the Department of Planning, Development and Research (DPDR), Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam. The research will use a Mixed-method research design which will be carried out in two phases; Pilot study and Main Study. The findings of this study will provide an overview of wellbeing of school counsellors and guidance teachers in Brunei Darussalam, and create awareness on the needs to maintain their positive psychological wellbeing.

Applications Invited
On-going (Collaboration with DPDR, MOE)

Scopus Publications


Google Scholar Citations


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications


Shareefa, M., Moosa, V., Matzin, R., Abdullah, N. Z. M., & Jawawi, R. (2020). A challenge made easy: Contributing factors for successful multigrade teaching in a small school. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 28(3), 1643 – 1661.

Shareefa, M., Moosa, V., Matzin, R., Abdullah, NZM., & Jawawi, R. (2019). Teachers' Perceptions on Differentiated Instruction: Do Experience, Qualification and Challenges Matter?. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18 (8), 214-226.

Shareefa, M., Matzin, R., Abdullah, NZM., & Jawawi, R. (2019). Mainstream and Special Education Teachers' implementation of Differentiated Instruction. International Journal of Education, 4(31), 260-268.

Shareefa, M., Matzin, R., Abdullah, N. Z. M., & Jawawi, R. (2019). Differentiated Instruction: Definition and Challenging Factors Perceived by Teachers. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 388, 322-327.

Mundia, L., Mahalle, S., Matzin, R., Zakaria GAN., Abdullah, NZM., & Latif, SNA. (2017). Prediction of employer-employee relationships from sociodemographic variables and social values in Brunei public and private sector workers. Psychological Research and Behavior Management. 10, 257-269.
DOI: 10.2147/PRBM.S136479

Mundia, L., Mahalle, S., Matzin, R., Zakaria GAN., & Abdullah, NZM.(2017). Sociodemographic variables and social values: relationship with work-attendance problems in Brunei public-and private-sector employees. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 13, 2307-2319.
DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S135418


Empowering Nation Building through MIB values and counselling
Investigators (PI/Co-PI): Dr Hjh Salwa DSS Hj Mahalle, Dr Hjh Rohani Hj Matzin, Dr Azizi Yahya, Dr Hj Gamal Abdul Nasir Hj Zakaria, Dr Lawrence Mundia and Hjh Nor Zaiham Midawati Hj Abdullah
01/10/2013 - 01/08/2015


Sharing session in conferences and publication


Yes, provides consultancy

Industry, Institute, or Organisation Collaboration

Ministry of Education
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
SEAMEO CELLL and Institute of Brunei Technical Education (SEAMEO Lifelong Learning consultant and researcher - 'Documenting successful policies and practices for lifelong learning in Brunei Darussalam', 2016)
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (supervising USIM's counselling practicum student at Student Affair Section, UBD, 2018)
Persatuan Kaunseling Brunei (PERKAB)


Raising awareness on the importance of guidance and counselling among students, teachers, parents and the public in general.