Dr Masitah Shahrill



Dr Masitah Shahrill is an Associate Professor and Teacher Educator at the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). She was appointed lecturer at the university in August 2001 and went on to pursue her graduate studies in mathematics education at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. Upon her return, Dr Masitah held several administrative appointments, including as the Academic Group Convenor for Mathematics Education, Programme Leader for Initial Teacher Preparation, Deputy Dean (Academic) and Dean of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), as well as the Director of Studies, and the Head of Teaching and Learning Centre for the Office of Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs), UBD. Dr Masitah was promoted as Senior Lecturer in August 2013, successfully migrated as a Senior Assistant Professor in October 2017, and effective from June 2021 promoted as Associate Professor.

Dr Masitah is passionate about raising the quality of teaching and learning of students and their development in the schools and in the higher education settings. She has supervised and is currently supervising several graduate students of SHBIE, and collaborated with almost all for international journal publications and presentations at international conferences. Dr Masitah's research interests lies in the teacher and teacher education, mathematics education, higher education, 21st Century teaching and learning, school-based assessment, classroom research, and youth practices and their education.


Doctor of Education (Mathematics Education), University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (2009)
Master of Education (Mathematics Education), University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (2005)
Master of Science (Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations), University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom (2000)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom (1999)


Teacher Education
Mathematics Education
Higher Education
Teaching and Learning
Classroom Research


The Localisation and Internationalising of Teaching and Teacher Education

Applications Invited
MEd by Research and PhD in Education

Using Visual Representations (such as Comics) in the Teaching of Mathematics (Primary and/or Secondary Levels)

Applications Invited
MEd by Research and PhD in Education (Specialising in Mathematics Education)

Designing and Implementing PISA-like Problems in the Mathematics classrooms (Primary and/or Secondary Levels)

Applications Invited
MEd by Research and PhD in Education (Specialising in Mathematics Education)

Scopus Publications


Google Scholar Citations


Google Scholar h-index


Google Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications


Shahrill, M., Noorashid, N., & Keasberry, C. (2021). COVID-19: Educational practices and responses in Brunei Darussalam. In L. H. Phan, A. Kumpoh, K. Wood, R. Jawawi & H. Said (Eds.), Globalisation, education, and reform in Brunei Darussalam (pp. 325-354). Palgrave MacMillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77119-5_16

Shahrill, M., & Yacob, J. (2021). Envisioning the developments and trajectories on the future of higher education in Brunei Darussalam. In H. Y. Loke (Ed.), State of the Region: The Commemorative 10th Issue (pp. 15-19). The Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond (HESB), The HEAD Foundation, Singapore. https://headfoundation.org/2021/04/06/hesb-issue-10/

Yusof, N. A., & Shahrill, M. (2021). The effects of non-digital game-based learning on students’ mathematical perspectives and achievements. Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal, 11(1), 25-39. https://doi.org/10.46517/seamej.v11i1.113

Shahrill, M., Petra, M. I., Naing, L., Yacob, J., Santos, J. H., & Abdul Aziz, A. B. Z. (2021). New norms and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in a higher education setting: Perspectives from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(3), 700-712. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEM-07-2020-0347

Ebil, S. H., Salleh, S. M., & Shahrill, M. (2020). The use of e-portfolio for self-reflection to promote learning: A case of TVET students. Education and Information Technologies, 25(6), 5797-5814. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10248-7


Anshari, M., Almunawar, M. N., Shahrill, M., Wicaksono, D. K., & Huda, M. (2017). Smartphones usage in the classrooms: Learning aid or interference? Education and Information Technologies, 22(6), 3063-3079. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-017-9572-7

Sarwadi, H. R. H., & Shahrill, M. (2014). Understanding students’ mathematical errors and misconceptions: The case of year 11 repeating students. Mathematics Education Trends and Research, [Online] 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.5899/2014/metr-00051

Othman, R., Shahrill, M., Mundia, L., Tan, A., & Huda, M. (2016). Investigating the relationship of student’s ability and learning preferences: Evidence from year 7 mathematics’ students. New Educational Review, 44(2), 125-138. https://tner.polsl.pl/dok/volumes/tner_2_2016.pdf#page=125

Shahrill, M., & Clarke, D. J. (2014). Brunei teachers’ perspectives on questioning: Investigating the opportunities to ‘talk’ in mathematics lessons. International Education Studies, 7(7), 1-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v7n7p1

Hamid, M. H. S., Shahrill, M., Matzin, R., Mahalle, S., & Mundia, L. (2013). Barriers to mathematics achievement in Brunei secondary school students: Insights into the roles of mathematics anxiety, self-esteem, proactive coping, and test stress. International Education Studies, 6(11), 1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v6n11p1


Principal Investigator (Aug 2021 – Present)
Pre-Service teachers’ insights and perceived practices of Formative Assessment in teacher training institution in Brunei Darussalam

Principal Investigator (Aug 2020 – Present)
Intentions, Implementations and Influences of Teacher Induction Policy in Brunei Darussalam

Principal Investigator (Jan 2018 – Jan 2019)
International Professional Practice and Seminar: Exploring Master of Teaching Teacher Candidates’ experiences (Under Faculty Institute Centre Research Grant Project UBD/RSCH/1.7/FICBF(b)/2018/007; SHBIE)

Member/Subject Researcher for Mathematics (May 2013 – Apr 2016)
Investigation of the Teaching and Learning Practices which Lead to the Development of Competencies for Life and Work in the 21st Century (Under Brunei Research Council Research Project UBD/BRC/8; SHBIE)

Member (Apr 2012 – Apr 2013)
Youth Parental Practices and Out of School Activities: Educational, Social and Economical Implications (Under University Research Grant UBD/PNC2/2/RG/1(222); SHBIE)

Industry, Institute, or Organisation Collaboration

Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam; University of Melbourne; Universitas Sriwijaya; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan