Unsuccessful medical student turned avid Mathematics Educator. Deep passion and strong believer that ""everyone can learn mathematics"".
Graduated from UBD with B.Sc.Ed, majoring in Chemisty, minor in Mathematics. Appointed as tutor just few days before graduation. Continued with MA Education in Kings College London in 2005/06 in Mathematics Education. As part of gaining teaching experience, taught mathematics at different levels in two secondary school 3 mornings a week over a period of 2 years, whilst continuing lecturing work in UBD. Pursued PhD in the same area in Teachers College, Columbia University, New York USA in 2010 and currently in the process of finishing thesis write-up.
Currently, I am involved in handling few core modules for the Mteach and MEd candidates in SHBIE, in addition to supervising their research exercise projects and being subject specialists to some of Mteach candidate being attached at school under School Placement. Prior to SHBIE being upgraded to graduate school, I was involved in teaching methodology courses for the pre-service (undergraduate) and in-service (pgce) students, recreational mathematics and ICT integration in the teaching of maths and science.
Master of Philosophy (Mathematics Education), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA (2013)
Master of Science (Mathematics), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA (2013)
Master of Art (Mathematics Education), Kings College London, London, United Kingdom (2006)
Bachelor (Hons) in Science Education (Chemistry / Mathematics), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Gadong, Brunei (2004)
Mathematics Education
Teacher Professional Development
Lesson Study
Students' Learning
Teaching Methodology
Recreational Mathematics
Scopus Publications
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar h-index
Google Scholar i10-index
Collaboration with MOE in several project and initiatives