2008-22 Professor Universiti Brunei Darussalam
2003-08 Associate Professor Universiti Brunei Darussalam
2001-02 International Consultant King’s College London, British Council, Asian Development Bank, Uzbekistan
1996-03 Director, Doctoral Studies Faculty of Education, Brunel University, UK
1986-96 Researcher/Lecturer UCL IOE, UK
1984-86 Lecturer University of Hong Kong
1973-84 Teacher Kent Education Authority, UK
1972 Teacher Inner London Education Authority, UK
1996 PhD Education UCL IOE, UK
1982 MA with Distinction UCL IOE, UK
1971 BSc Hons Economics Swansea University, UK
Teaching and Learning, Phenomenography, Variation Theory, Lesson and Learning Study, Teachers' professional development
The objectives of the study reported are threefold: - to test the effectiveness of Learning Study as a professional development model in the context of the Brunei education system; - to reveal support for a hypothesis that the experience of contrast, generalisation and fusion, through focusing on what their students need to learn, leads to teacher change and results in improvement in teaching; and - to identify necessary conditions for Learning Study to lead to improvement in students’ learning outcomes.
Wood, K. and Andrew, V. (2022) The Development of Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Learning Study, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Forthcoming.
Wood, K. and Sithamparam, S. (2021) Changing Teaching, Changing Teachers: 21st Century Teaching and Learning through Lesson and Learning Study. London and New York: Routledge.
Wood, K., Latif, S. N. and Said, H. (2021) Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: Developments and Challenges in Brunei Darussalam, in Myint Swe Khine and Yang Liu (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Teacher Education: Innovations and Practices in Asia, Springer International Publishing. Forthcoming.
Phan, L. H., Kumpoh, A., Wood, K., Jawawi, R. and Said, H. (Eds.) (2021). Globalisation, Education and Reform in Brunei Darussalam. Palgrave MacMillan.
Wood, K. (2020) The path of teachers' learning through lesson and learning studies, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, 93-99.
Wood, K. (2000) ‘The experience of learning to teach – changing student teachers’ ways of understanding teaching’, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 32, No 1, 75-94.
Wood, K. (2006) ‘Changing as a person. The experience of learning to research in the social sciences’, Higher Education Research & Development, Vol. 25, No 1, 53-66.
Wood, K., Jaidin, H., Jawawi, R., Perera, Q., Salleh, S., Shahrill, M. and Sithamparam, S. (2017) How and what teachers learn from collaborative professional development, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, 151-168.
Wood, K. (2013) A design for teacher education based on a systematic framework of variation to link teaching with learners’ ways of experiencing the object of learning, International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, 56-71.
Wood, K. and Sithamparam, S. (Eds.) (2017) Realising Learning – Teachers’ professional development through lesson and learning study, New York and London: Routledge.
2020-21 Principal Investigator, UBD/RSCH/URCMG(13)/2019/015 The Development of Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Learning Study with SHBIE collaborators Drs. A. Ali, J. Bungsu, S. N. Latif, H. Said, and J. Shak. URG $28,780.
2018-19 Co-Principal Investigator, Lesson Study as critical reflection: Teacher learning voiced by teachers, with collaborator Prof. Rovio-Johansson, Gothenburg University, Sweden. A meta-analysis of the literature on teacher learning through engagement with Lesson Study. Unfunded.
2013-17 Principal Investigator, Investigation of the Teaching and Learning Practice which lead to the Development of Competencies for Life and Work in the 21st Century, with collaborators Drs. J. H. Jaidin, R. Jawawi, S. Salleh, M, Shahrill, and A/Ps Q. Perera, and S. Sithamparam. BRC8 Grant $955,000.
• Development of Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge
• Theorization of Lesson and Learning Study
• Lesson Study and Learning Study as approaches to teachers’ professional development
• Phenomenography and the Variation Theory of Learning applied to students’ learning, educators’ professional development, learning study and institutional improvement
• Transfer of learning in teacher education
• Conceptions of rationality in economics and business education
• Definition and achievement of 21st century learning outcomes
2021- Consultant, Lesson Study in Initial Teacher Education Project, International Science Foundation, Portugal (Director: Professor João Pedro da Ponte, University of Lisbon).
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
(This journal is abstracted and indexed by: Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index, British Library, EBSCO EDS, ProQuest ABI inform, Scopus, ISI, Summon and Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Curriculum & Methods)
Executive Committee Member, World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS)
Contribution to the development of the Brunei education system 2003-2022.