Since September 2007, I have worked as a Lecturer at the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). My teaching activities involve modules that relate to the applications of digital technology in education. I have completed my Ph.D. on 'Enhancing Digital Literacy skills while playing Casual
Games: Young People in Brunei As a Case Study' from King's College London. I had previously worked as an Education Officer under the Department of Schools, Ministry of Education, where I gained experience in various areas, both academic and administrative. Following my interest, I upgraded my qualifications and undertook a Masters of Arts (MA) in ICT and Education at the University of Leeds, UK, under self-sponsorship, and graduated with an MA (Pass with Merit) in ICT and Education.
PhD (Thesis Title): Enhancing Digital Literacy Skills while Playing Casual Games: Young People in Brunei As a Case Study
Educational technology
Digital Literacy
Video Gaming Activities
With heavily rely on digital technologies, teaching and learning processes in higher education requires students to have digital literacy skills. According to Eshet (2012), digital literacy skill is a survival skill which students need in order to function effectively in digital learning environments. With Eshet’s model of digital literacy skill as a framework, this project aims to assess the digital literaciness of students in higher education. Based on Prensky’s assumption, these students are categorised as the digital native generation, in which this generation lives their lives immersed in digital technologies and that they learn differently from previous generations.
Scopus Publications
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar h-index
Google Scholar i10-index
Salleh, S.M., Musa, J., Jaidin, J.H., Shahrill, M (2021) Development of tvet teachers’ beliefs about technology enriched instruction through professional development workshops: Application of the technology acceptance model
Basar,N., Jawawi,R., Matzin,R., Jaidin, JH., Musa,J (2019). Tourism in Geography through an Inquiry-based approach (IBA) Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 13 (1)
Jaidin, J.H., Musa, J., Zainuddin, M.R.2017). The Impact of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Performance When 413 Learning About Earthquake Hazards
Musa,J (2015). Adding New Vocabulary While Playing Casual Games: Young People in Brunei as a Case Study. In Journal of Management Research.
Musa,J., Hamidon, Z., Noor M.A. (2009). The Impact of Interface Design in Web-enhanced Course on Students’ Thinking.In Proceedings Seminar KebangsaanTeknologi Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran 2009 (SKTIP 09).
(2010-2011) URG, Grant Number: UBD/PNC2/2/RG/1(154), Project Title: M-Learning for Current and Future Generation, Investigators (PI/Co-PI), (Ref:UBD/PSR/5.1) dated 18th March 2010, Start Date: 01/03/2010.
(2017 to 2018) . Research Member of Innovative Inter-disciplinary Curriculum and Assessment: Design and Implementation
Ref: UBD/RSCH/1.7/FICBF(b)/2018/005. Approved amount: $8,200
(2017 to 2018) Research Member
Title: Project 1: Assessing Teacher Candidates' Experience of Brunei Darussalam's Master of Teaching Programme
Project 2: Mentoring Teacher Candidates in the Master of Teaching Programme: Issues and The Way Forward
Ref: UBD/RSCH/1.7/FICBF(B)/2018/002
Approved amount: $5,740,00
(2020 -2021) Research leader for Computer Study/ICT learning area.
Title: The Development of Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through Learning Study.
Ref: BD/RSCH/URCMG(13)/2019/015