I graduated from UBD in 2005 with a degree in Bachelor of Science Education, majoring in Physics and minor in Mathematics. Early in 2006, I became a tutor in Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education. In the same year, I went to University of Leeds, United Kingdom to further my study in masters of art in science education. My thesis for my masters degree was on students' and teachers' understanding of physics concepts particularly focused on topic Newton's third law. The result of my masters research has turned to a book chapter in a book "Successful science education practices" edited by Christine Redman who was my supervisor for my PhD study in University of Melbourne, Australia. In my PhD study, I was more interested to explore physics teachers' development in the dynamics of their personal and professional identity formation processes. This research was done in Melbourne Australia which I hope to be able to conduct in local context with our Bruneian physics and science teachers.
B Sc Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2005
Master of Arts in Science Education, The University of Leeds, United Kingdom, 2007
Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2018
Science and physics teachers development and identity
Conceptual teaching in Science
Pedagogical approaches in science classroom
Scopus Publications
-Said, H. (2021). Beginning teachers’ use of a constructivist teaching approach to improve their students’ understanding of science through classroom discussion. In Phan, L. H., A. Kumpoh, K. Wood, R. Jawawi, & H. Said (Eds.), Globalisation, education, and reform in Brunei Darussalam (pp. 133 –150). Palgrave MacMillan.
- Phoon, H.Y., Roslan, R., Shahrill, M. & Said, H. (2020). The role of comics in elementary school science education. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA. 10 (2)
- Matamit, N., Roslan, R., Shahrill, M. & Said, H. (2020). Teaching challenges on the use of storytelling in the elementary science lessons”. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education. Vol.9 (3), 716-722.
- Ahmad, J., Ishak, A, Samsudin, M., Meylani, V. & Said, H. (2019). Pre-service Science Teachers in International Teaching Practicum: Reflection of the Experience. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia. 8(3), 308-316.
- Gani, A., Tengah, K., & Said, H. (2019). Bar Model as Intervention in Solving Word Problem Involving Percentage. International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education. 3(1), 69-76.
- Johari, M., & Said, H. (2018). Investigating the pre-service and in-service science teachers’ conceptions of ‘a teacher’ at the beginning of their initial teacher training program. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1108.012056
- Leong, S., Said, H., Shahrill, M., & Perera, J. (2016). Using lesson study to enhance meaningful understanding on the topic of pressure. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 11(15), 8425-8437.
-Cheong, I., Johari, M., Said, H., & Treagust, D. (2014). What do you know about alternative energy? Development and use of a diagnostic instrument for upper secondary school science. International Journal of Science Education.
- Said, H (2013) Teaching Newton's Third Law. In C. Redman (Ed.) Successful Science Education Practices: Exploring what, why and how they worked, (pp.167-182). Nova Science Publisher 2013
- Baimba, A., Brown, D., & Said, H. (2008). The mismatch between science teachers’ beliefs and classroom practice. Journal of Applied Research in Education.
Said, H. (2012) Teachers’ narratives: insight into the norms of practice. Conference at Contemporary approaches to research in mathematics, science, health and environmental education
Said, H. (2021). Beginning teachers’ use of a constructivist teaching approach to improve their students’ understanding of science through classroom discussion. In Phan, L. H., A. Kumpoh, K. Wood, R. Jawawi, & H. Said (Eds.), Globalisation, education, and reform in Brunei Darussalam (pp. 133 –150). Palgrave MacMillan.
Ahmad, J., Ishak, A, Samsudin, M., Meylani, V. & Said, H. (2019). Pre-service Science Teachers in International Teaching Practicum: Reflection of the Experience. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia. 8(3), 308-316.
Johari, M., & Said, H. (2018). Investigating the pre-service and in-service science teachers’ conceptions of ‘a teacher’ at the beginning of their initial teacher training program. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1108.012056
Leong, S., Said, H., Shahrill, M., & Perera, J. (2016). Using lesson study to enhance meaningful understanding on the topic of pressure. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 11(15), 8425-8437.
Cheong, I., Johari, M., Said, H., & Treagust, D. (2014). What do you know about alternative energy? Development and use of a diagnostic instrument for upper secondary school science. International Journal of Science Education.
Said, H (2013) Teaching Newton's Third Law. In C. Redman (Ed.) Successful Science Education Practices: Exploring what, why and how they worked, (pp.167-182). Nova Science Publisher 2013.
Principal Investigator for FIC grant research titled: The use of Conceptual Understanding Procedures (CUPs) in science classrooms, commencement date: 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2020
Ministry of Education PISA Taskforce (MPTF) for National PISA Centre of Brunei