Dr Jainatul Halida is a Senior Assistant Professor at the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). She has been a member of the faculty since 2001. Dr Jainatul Halida began her career as an Education Officer teaching in a primary school. She joined SHBIE in 2001 as a Tutor, where she worked alongside Senior Lecturers teaching educational foundation modules. Her research interests are in the areas of innovative teaching and learning, phenomenography and teacher education. She currently supervises several graduate students studying new instructional strategies in various subject areas. Dr Jainatul Halida was a member of a national research project on "21st Century Teaching and Learning (21CTL)". She worked very closely with Professor Keith Wood on the 21CTL research project, along with AP Dr Quintus Perera, Dr Hjh Sallimah binti Hj Mohd Salleh, Dr Hjh Rosmawijah binti Hj Jawawi, Dr Masitah binti Shahrill and AP Dr Saratha Sithamparam. The 21CTL research project was launched in collaboration with SRI International, USA, and Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam, funded by the Brunei Research Council (BRC). In 2010, Dr Jainatul Halida successfully completed the "Leadership Judgment Program" held in Florida, USA. The esteemed Professor Noel M. Tichy from Michigan University and Mr. Robert E. Knowling Jr. (Chairman of the Eagles Landing Partner, USA) facilitated the programme. Both Professor Tichy and Mr. Knowling Jr. mentored Dr Jainatul Halida during her involvement in Brunei Darussalam’s School Leadership Programme (SLP). The leadership programme exposed Dr Jainatul Halida to several concepts and tools that are important in building highly effective teams.
Dr Jainatul Halida received her BA (Hons) in Primary Education from Universiti Brunei Darussalam in 1999, and her MA in Education from Brunel University, London, United Kingdom in 2001. She holds a doctorate degree (PhD) from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
Innovative Teaching and Learning; Phenomenography; Teacher Education
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Ismail, Z., Matzin, R., Jawawi, R., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., Mundia, L., & Mahadi, M. A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Using an Online Presentation Platform in the Teaching and Learning of History. In Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, 17(2).
Lamit, W. A., Matzin, R., Jawawi, R., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., & Mundia, L. (2017). Utilising Online Discussion Tool in Teaching and Learning Sociology. The International Journal of Humanities Education, 15(2), 1-16.
Wood, K., Jaidin, J. H., Jawawi, R., Perera, J. S. H. Q., Salleh, S., Shahrill, M., & Sithamparam, S. (2017). How and what teachers learn from collaborative professional development. In International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(2). [Scopus Indexed]
Idris, S. H., Jawawi, R., Mahadi, M. A., Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., Petra, N. A., & Mundia, L. (2017). The use of rubrics in developing students’ understanding of history. Advanced Science Letters, 23(2), 901-904. [Scopus Indexed]
Yunos, N. U. J., Jawawi, R., Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Mundia, L., Jaidin, J. H., & Petra, N. A., Mahadi, M. A. (2017). Using graphs to develop geographical skills among pre-university students. Advanced Science Letters, 23(2), 897-900. [Scopus Indexed]
Caesar, M. I. M., Jawawi, R., Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., & Mundia, L. (2016). The benefits of adopting a problem-based learning approach on students’ learning developments in secondary geography lessons. International Education Studies, 9(2), 51-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v9n2p51.
Anshari, M., Alas, Y., Hardaker, G., Jaidin, J. H., Smith, M., & Ahad, A. D. (2016). Smartphone habit and behavior in Brunei: Personalisation, gender and generation gap. In Computers in Human Behaviour, 64 (November, 2016), 719-727. [Scopus Indexed]
Mundia, L., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., Jawawi, R., & Mahadi, M. A. (2016). Brunei's teacher education programs: Insights into students' coping and help-seeking strategies to challenges. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 10(Article 62). [Scopus Indexed]
Botty, H. M. R. H., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., Li, H-C., & Chong, M. S. F. (2016). The implementation of problem-based learning (PBL) in a year 9 mathematics classroom: A study in Brunei Darussalam. International Research in Education, 4(2), 34-47.
Petra, S. F., Jaidin, J. H., Perera, J. S. H. Q., & Linn, M. C. (2016). Supporting students to become autonomous learners: The role of web-based learning. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 33(4), 263-275. [Scopus Indexed]
Wood, K., Jaidin, J. H., Jawawi, R., Perera, J. S. H. Q., Salleh, S., Shahrill, M., & Sithamparam, S. (2017). How and what teachers learn from collaborative professional development. In International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(2). [Scopus Indexed]
Idris, S. H., Jawawi, R., Mahadi, M. A., Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., Petra, N. A., & Mundia, L. (2017). The use of rubrics in developing students’ understanding of history. Advanced Science Letters, 23(2), 901-904. [Scopus Indexed]
Yunos, N. U. J., Jawawi, R., Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Mundia, L., Jaidin, J. H., & Petra, N. A., Mahadi, M. A. (2017). Using graphs to develop geographical skills among pre-university students. Advanced Science Letters, 23(2), 897-900. [Scopus Indexed]
Caesar, M. I. M., Jawawi, R., Matzin, R., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., & Mundia, L. (2016). The benefits of adopting a problem-based learning approach on students’ learning developments in secondary geography lessons. International Education Studies, 9(2), 51-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v9n2p51.
Anshari, M., Alas, Y., Hardaker, G., Jaidin, J. H., Smith, M., & Ahad, A. D. (2016). Smartphone habit and behavior in Brunei: Personalisation, gender and generation gap. In Computers in Human Behaviour, 64 (November, 2016), 719-727. [Scopus Indexed]
Mundia, L., Shahrill, M., Jaidin, J. H., Jawawi, R., & Mahadi, M. A. (2016). Brunei's teacher education programs: Insights into students' coping and help-seeking strategies to challenges. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 10(Article 62). [Scopus Indexed]
Petra, S. F., Jaidin, J. H., Perera, J. S. H. Q., & Linn, M. C. (2016). Supporting students to become autonomous learners: The role of web-based learning. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 33(4), 263-275. [Scopus Indexed]
Grant Type: BRC
Grant Number: 08
Project Title: Investigation of the teaching and learning practices which lead to the development of competencies for life and work in the 21st century
Investigators (PI/Co-PI): Professor Keith Wood, AP Dr Quintus Perera, AP Dr Saratha Sithamparam, Dr Hjh Sallimah binti Hj Mohd Salleh, Dr Hjh Rosmawijah binti Hj Jawawi and Dr Masitah binti Shahrill
Start Date: 01/03/2010
End Date: 01/03/2017
Professional development package for teachers on 21st century learning designs and forthcoming publications (journal articles and a book chapter).
Yes, provides consultancy.
21st Century Teaching and Learning (21CTL): Co-facilitated professional development workshops on 21st century teaching and learning for primary and secondary teachers, in collaboration with Ministry of Education and SRI International, USA.
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA): Conducted a small-scale study using PISA released items, supported by colleagues from SHBIE, UBD and several Departments within the Ministry of Education, for Brunei Darussalam's Ministry of Education PISA Task Force (MPTF).
Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE): Coordinated Professor Marcia Linn's (from UC, Berkeley, USA) working visit to Brunei, which included a WISE (Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) workshop for twenty science teachers and a public lecture on "Technology-Enhanced Science Education: Realising the Potential". Professor Linn directs the NSF-funded Technology-enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) center and WISE. Find out more about WISE at https://wise.berkeley.edu
Capacity development of primary and secondary school teachers in Brunei Darussalam.