Dr Abdul Ghani Haji Naim



Abdul Ghani has been working for Universiti Brunei Darussalam for 20 years as a lecturer in Computer Science. He has taught a number of Computer Science courses in particular, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Computer Security, Multimedia Development, Multimedia Networks and Computer Graphics. He had supervised and currently supervising a number of final year undergraduate students and postgraduate students. He was appointed as Blue Gene/P System Administrator in 2011. His research interests are in Computer Security, Cryptography and High Performance Computing. Apart from being Blue Gene/P System Administrator, he was also involved in some of the research activities of the UBD|IBM Centre mainly in Weather and Climate modeling, Flood Forecasting (Hydrology) and Deforestation Monitoring (in collaboration with iCUBE). He is currently concentrating his research on Cryptography especially on Block ciphers. He is working on some making some new methods for testing randomness of block cipher output of which the security of block ciphers depend upon.


Computer Security
High Performance Computing


Google Scholar Citations


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Google Scholar i10-index


1. Numerical and statistical analysis on unsteady magnetohydrodynamic convection in a semi-circular enclosure filled with ferrofluid"" by MM Rahman, S Mojumder, S Saha, AH Joarder, R Saidur, AG Naim International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 1316-1330, 2015
2. Effect of Sine-Squared Thermal Boundary Condition on Augmentation of Heat Transfer in a Triangular Solar Collector Filled with Different Nanofluids"" by MM Rahman, S Saha, S Mojumder, AG Naim, R Saidur, TA Ibrahim Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 68 (1), 53-74, 2015
3. Unsteady natural convection and statistical analysis in a CNT–water filled cavity with non-isothermal heating"" by MM Rahman, HF Öztop, M Steele, AG Naim, K Al-Salem, TA Ibrahim International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 64, 50-60, 2015
4. Fuzzy based room temperature control by integrating sensors and cameras with a grid"" by SM Buhari, NJ Tuah, KO Chong, SG Lim, AG Naim Computational Intelligence for Communication Systems and Networks, 2013
5. Performance evaluation and optimization of nested high resolution weather simulations"" by P Malakar, V Saxena, T George, R Mittal, S Kumar, AG Naim, ... Euro-Par 2012 Parallel Processing, 805-817, 2012


1. Discrete-time analogues of integrodifferential equations modelling bidirectional neural networks"" by S Mohamad, AG Naim Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 138 (1), 1-20, 2002
2. Unsteady natural convection and statistical analysis in a CNT–water filled cavity with non-isothermal heating"" by MM Rahman, HF Öztop, M Steele, AG Naim, K Al-Salem, TA Ibrahim International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 64, 50-60, 2015
3. Performance evaluation and optimization of nested high resolution weather simulations"" by P Malakar, V Saxena, T George, R Mittal, S Kumar, AG Naim, ... Euro-Par 2012 Parallel Processing, 805-817, 2012
4. Numerical and statistical analysis on unsteady magnetohydrodynamic convection in a semi-circular enclosure filled with ferrofluid"" by MM Rahman, S Mojumder, S Saha, AH Joarder, R Saidur, AG Naim International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 1316-1330, 2015
5. Fuzzy based room temperature control by integrating sensors and cameras with a grid"" by SM Buhari, NJ Tuah, KO Chong, SG Lim, AG Naim Computational Intelligence for Communication Systems and Networks, 2013


Grant type: , Grant Number: , Project Title: , Investigators (PI/Co-PI): , Funding Details: , Start Date: 30/03/2010, End Date: 30/03/2016


Patent on Generating an Ensemble of Forecasting Models” with Dr. Lalit Kumar

Industry, Institute, or Organisation Collaboration

Academic collaboration with other UBD Computer Science and Mathematics Researchers and researchers from UBD|IBM Centre and iCUBE


The benefits of the patent is in giving better weather forecasts by comparing various forecasting models.