BSci (2001)
BA (2004)
MA (2006)
MRes (2007)
PhD (2012)
Sociology of Islam
Islamicate Modernity
Islamic Political Philosophy
European Muslim Minorities
The project seeks to explore lived religious experiences by analyzing theological reasoning among diverse, committed, urban Muslim youth populations in three European contexts in Bosnia (Sarajevo), Sweden (Stockholm) and the UK (Edinburgh). The overarching and explorative question that guides this project is, how do young committed Muslims in parts of urban Europe reconcile and deal with increasingly hostile sociopolitical environment (increased Islamophobia etc.) with their understanding with the theological premise of omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God?
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar h-index
Google Scholar i10-index
"A Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Lived Islam and Muslimness", in (ed.) New Methodological Perspectives in Islamic Studies (Brill), 2023
"Theology of Violence-oriented Takfirism as a Political Theory: The Case of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)", in (ed.) Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements (Brill), 2021
"New Islamic Movements and Concepts of Citizenship", in (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Citizenship in the Middle East and North Africa (Routledge), 2021.
"The Political Theology of Malcolm X: Between Human Dignity and Returning the Gaze", Swedish Theological Quarterly, 2020