I am an Assistant Professor in the Mathematical Sciences programme at the Faculty of Science.I completed my PhD in Statistics and Applied Probability in 2014 from the University of California, Santa Barbara under the supervision of Professor Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka. My Phd work focused extensively in Survival Analysis, an area of study that continues to hold significant influence over my research interests.
My research interests include work on cancer statistics, applied statistics, middle censoring, and mathematics education.
PhD in Statistics and Applied Probability, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Survival analysis; Biostatistics; Cancer statistics; Middle Censoring; Applied statistics; Mathematics education
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Principal Investigator for faculty grant entitled "Survival analysis of childhood cancer in Brunei Darussalam". Awarded in May 2020.
- Project collaboration with Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam.
- Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Collaborator Network
- The Asia Cohort Consortium member