Desmond Tan is a lecturer at Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Graduate School of Educatin. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 2017. His DPhil study focused on student teachers learning during their initial teacher training and education under the subject area of secondary geography. His work examined on how student teachers as learners learn to implement Assessment for Learning (AfL) during their teaching in schools. He used cultural-historical theory as a theoretical lens to explain the complexity of student teachers learning in schools.
He currently teaches in the Masters of Teaching programme with a specialisation in secondary geography education. He is interested in assessment for learning (AfL), assessment in education, teacher learning, initial teacher education and training and cultural historical theory.
Geography Education, Teacher Education, Assessment for Learning, Initial Teacher Learning and Preparation, Cultural historical theory
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More Info: Tan, D.C.C., Mohammad, H. (2011) National Education for Sustainable Development Guideline in Brunei for Changing the Climate of Teacher Education to Address Sustainability. In Putting transformative education into practice. UNESCO:JAKARTA p. 3-11
More Info: Tan, D. C. C., Cheong, I. P. A., & Buntar, N. (2010). Perceptions of Bruneian students about global warming and its education in The Third China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week: China- ASEAN Environment Education Forum, Guiyang: Guizhou University.
More Info: Tan, D. C. C. (2009). Secondary geography teachers conceptions of assessment: A case study in a secondary school in Brunei Darussalam. In B. David, D. Harkirat, P. Quintus, K. Wood, S. Saratha, S. Wan-Mat & O. Yahya (Eds.), Bridging worlds: Making connections in education. selected papers from the 14th International Conference on Education. ( pp. 107-126). Brunei Darussalam: Universiti Brunei Darussalam [peer-reviewed]
Tan, D.C.C. (2017). Student teachers learning to use Assessment for Learning in schools. DPhil dissertation, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
More Info:
Edwards, A., Chan, J., Tan, D. (2019). Motive Orientation and the Exercise of Agency: Responding to Recurrent Demands in Practices. In A. Edwards, M. Fleer & L. Bøttcher (Eds.). Cultural-Historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development. Singapore : Springer
Tan, D. C. C. (2009). Secondary geography teachers conceptions of assessment: A case study in a secondary school in Brunei Darussalam. In B. David, D. Harkirat, P. Quintus, K. Wood, S. Saratha, S. Wan-Mat & O. Yahya (Eds.), Bridging worlds: Making connections in education. selected papers from the 14th International Conference on Education. ( pp. 107-126). Brunei Darussalam: Universiti Brunei Darussalam [peer-reviewed]