Dr Nor Azura started as a tutor at Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education in 2006. After obtaining her master’s degree in 2007, she was appointed lecturer at the university. She went on to pursue her graduate studies in Japan and Hong Kong, in 2011 and 2015 respectively. In SHBIE, she continues teaching mathematics education modules for teacher education at both primary and secondary levels. Her initial research interest started with teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and development. It has since expanded into teachers’ values in the teaching and learning mathematics; and professional development of teachers such as Lesson Study.
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics Education), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2021)
Master of Arts (Education), University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom (2007)
Bachelor of Science Education (Hons), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam (2005)
Mathematics Teacher Education
Lesson Study
Teachers' values
Professional Development of Teachers
Scopus Publications
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar h-index
Google Scholar i10-index
Abdullah, N. A., & Leung, F. K. S. (2019). Exploring teachers’ values and valuing process in school-based Lesson Study: A Brunei Darussalam case study. In P. Clarkson, W. T. Seah & J. S. Pang (Eds.) Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education (pp 129-141).
Sahat, N., H A A Rahman, A. Y.,Tengah, K. A., Li, H-C, Abdullah, N. A. (2018). A Study of Mathematics Teachers’ Motivation towards Teaching in Brunei Darussalam. Journal of Studies in Education. 18-28.
Abdullah, N. A., Shahrill, S., Yusof, J., & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2018). Identifying the factors affecting students’ performances in primary school mathematics. IOP Conference Series: Journal of Physics, 1097, 1-9.
Chong, J. S. Y., Han, S. H., Abdullah, N. A., Chong, S M. F., Widjaja, W., & Shahrill, M. (2017). Utilising lesson study in improving year 12 students' learning and performance in mathematics. Mathematics Education Trends and Research, 1, 24-31.
Chong, J. S. Y., Chong, M. S. F., Shahrill, M., & Abdullah, N. A. (2017). Implementing inquiry-based learning and examining the effects in junior college probability lessons. Journal on Mathematics Education, 8 (2), 157-164.
Matussin, H. S. H. H., Abdullah, N. A., Shahrill, M. (2015). Integrating ICT and learning study in teaching conversion of travel graph. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 23(4), 25-39.