I graduated from University of Brunei Darussalam in year 2002 after being articulated to the degree programme during my second year in Certificate of Education Programme. All in all, I spent 5 years of specializing in teaching primary Education. Few months after graduation, I was posted to one of the primary schools in the Brunei Muara district.
In year 2007, i was accepted to work as a tutor in University of Brunei Darussalam after gaining approximately 5 years of experience teaching in the primary school, handling tasks as senior teacher in academic, extra curricula activities and teaching almost all subjects except religious studies, Malay language and computer studies.
By year 2009, I went abroad to study at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom for a year to do my masters. I graduated in year 2010 with my masters specializing in teaching and learning. I am planning to continue my study and finished my PhD in 5 years time, insha Allah.
Teaching and learning
peer collaboration
Students' understanding of direct current circuit using simulated software through designed tasks in discovery learning
Grant type: URG, Grant Number: UBD/PNC2/2/RG/1(277), Project Title: A Study of Parental Factors Related to the Development of the Ability to Delay Gratification in early Childhood to Influence Ensuing Life Success, Investigators (PI/Co-PI): Dk Yusimah Pg Amjah and Myself , Start Date: 01/08/2013, End Date: 20/09/2015